Classical Education Curriculum


Trinity follows a long tradition of Lutheran Schools who provide excellence in education.  Since the fall of 2000, our school has transitioned into a Classical approach to education which strives for academic excellence, behavioral discipline, Christian content, and direct instruction methodologies.  Classical Education is based on the understanding that children develop intellectually in different ways at different ages of their life. Therefore, the child’s education should correspond to the different stages of the child’s intellectual development. All subjects are taught using a variety of textbooks and methods, but teachers strive to teach everything from a Christian viewpoint.  Christian textbooks will be used when appropriate.

“Classical education goes against the grain of much contemporary culture...It forces the television generation to read.  Teachers will have to convince students that the good, the true, and the beautiful have more value than the glittering prizes of pop culture and the easy answers of relativism.  And yet wherever classical education has been tried, students have learned to think broadly, deeply and creatively.  They have learned to live up to their responsibilities and to recognize the possibility of greatness within themselves.” 
Dr. Gene E. Veith, Jr.,  Classical Education, Towards the Revival of American Schooling

The most foundational time in a child’s education is called the grammar (knowledge) stage (preschool through 5th grade). The child’s intellectual development is at a stage where they have the ability to remember large amounts of information.  In the grammar stage, the facts of each subject are taught, repeated, and recited by the child so that they may  be committed to memory and used all their lives. The next stage is the logic (understanding) stage (6th through 8th grade).  At this age level, children usually begin to question everything they have learned.  Therefore, the educational approach is dialogue between the student and the teacher so that the student may develop their critical thinking skills. Children who have been instructed in the grammar and logic of the basic subjects begin high school with a precise ability to reason and to desire to express themselves.  The high school level is called the rhetoric (creativity) stage.

For further and indepth understanding of Classical Education, we recommend these books: Wisdom and Eloquence by Littlejohn & Evans, The Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer, and The Educated Child by William Bennett. You may also find this article, Repitition, Memorization, Recitation by Leigh Lowe helpful.

Areas of Instruction at Trinity Lutheran School Include:

  • Religion
  • Language Arts, including Shurley grammar, the Spalding method of phonics for reading, and Handwriting Without Tears
  • Mathematics (Saxon method)
  • History/Geography (BiblioPlan)
  • Science (God's Design)
  • Computers
  • Physical Education
  • Music
  • Art
  • Latin
  • Logic


Parents and students should expect that there will be some amount of homework regularly beginning in kindergarten. In addition to the core subject areas, this would also include memory work preparation.  Experience has proven there is a direct correlation between how efficiently a student manages his class time and the amount of work that will need to be completed at home. It is Trinity’s expectation that assistance within the home will be provided to a child with his/her homework.

Handwriting will be graded on the following scale:     E=Excellent     S=Satisfactory     N=Needs Improvement     U=Unsatisfactory


In order for students of Trinity Lutheran School to participate in athletic activities, they must maintain a grade average of "C" or better in each subject area. This includes all areas listed under our “Areas of Instruction.”

Teachers will determine eligibility at the end of the school day on Thursday and that eligibility will affect the activities beginning and following Sunday through Saturday.  Practice for a sport during ineligibility will be left up to the discretion of the coach and teacher.  They cannot participate in any games/meets.

Eligibility for other activities including non-academic class/school outings and/or "fun days" will be at the teacher's discretion. Students that have an unexcused absence the school day prior to a game/meet or class/school outing and/or “fun day” will not be eligible to participate. Students not participating in a class/school outing and/or “fun day” will remain at the school if a staff member is available to supervise them and will work on school work. If a staff member is not available, parents will be responsible for care of the student for that time.

The intent of this policy is to teach the students the value of work ethics and the proper perspective for class work vs. extracurricular activities.  It is also the intent to be fair and give every opportunity for the students to participate in all activities they desire.
