Service Recordings

The most-recently-recorded Sunday services are posted below, newest to oldest. The recordings are edited for length and contain the following service parts from Divine Service Setting One in Lutheran Service Book (LSB):

  • Invocation (pg. 151)
  • Salutation and Collect of the Day (pg. 156)
  • Old Testament, Epistle, and Gospel readings (pg. 156)
  • Sermon
  • Nicene Creed (pg. 158) or Apostle's Creed
  • Benediction (pg. 166)

The hymns sung during services are not recorded. For convenience, the main hymns used for each Sunday are listed below and linked to videos on YouTube for audio listening, if available.

For space, all past services are archived to our YouTube Channel, linked below.

Trinity's Service Recordings Format is being updated, please check back later.

For more of Trinity's past recordings, visit our YouTube Channel archive below:
