Welcome in the Name of Christ

We are grateful that you have taken the time to view our website and pray that we can be of service to you!  

This is a fallen and broken world, like so many branches broken off a vine; but, God has changed that through Christ. We are committed to using God's Word and Sacraments to connect people to Christ the vine. We are further committed to using the same Word and Sacraments to keep people connected to the vine, growing and maturing in their faith.

+ Our Purpose

Connecting people to Christ the Vine and keeping them connected. 

On Behalf of God's Family at Trinity Lutheran Church and School, we thank you for your interest in our ministry. We know from experience that people like to use their own judgement in selecting their church home. However, we do wish to invite you to worship the Savior here with us.

Trinity truly is a wonderful congregation, ready to serve you. We have:

If we may be of any immediate or future service to you as a congregation, we encourage you to call on us. May God be with you and bless you as you experience and share His peace and joy.

Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Mark Mumme

+ Worship Life at Trinity Lutheran Church & School

Christian worship begins with the crucified Christ, who comes to us in Word and Sacrament. He brings to the people of God forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. We in turn extol these gifts with joyful thanksgiving and praise, proclaiming the story of God's love through His Word. This celebration is done in concert with the Church throughout the world, and finds its expression in the liturgy.

Lutheran worship is therefore traditional in that it is part of the timeless culture of the Church, and contemporary in that it communicates the Gospel in ways that are appropriate to a given place and time. Since worship is the vocation of all baptized Christians, Lutheran liturgy calls for all individuals to do their parts, that faith may be increased among all who worship, and that Christ may be most strongly confessed before the world.

Providing worship that achieves these noble ends is the responsibility of any Christian congregation. Continuing in the tradition of the evangelical Lutheran communion, the Divine Service at Trinity seeks therefore to involve all who gather in the name of the Lord in the proclaiming, confessing, singing, and praying of God's Word.

+ Congregational Membership

If you are LCMS Lutheran, we would be delighted to have you write for your transfer to our congregation and invite you to our next Introduction to Lutheranism class. If you are non-LCMS-Lutheran, we would be most pleased to have you attend our next Introduction to Lutheranism class. Please contact the church office for further information about the next class.

Trinity Lutheran Church and School as part of the Body of Christ seeks to grow through God's Word and Sacraments so that we proclaim Christ's love and reach out to all in everything we do, pointing them to Christ.
